Quality Security for Retailers During the Christmas Surge
Did you know that crime DOUBLES in December? Whilst homeowners are well aware that opportunistic thieves are more operational during December, looking for unwrapped gifts to take for their own, the same is true for businesses, meaning security must take precedence.
Security at your Christmas event
The first part of any event planning should be considering the security – well perhaps after booking the venue! Keeping your guests safe and secure means a plethora of different factors to consider.
Security officers are on the front line and that makes them more at risk to antisocial behaviour. COVID-19 is still very much in the population, and this puts security officers at risk of catching this virus, not just being subjected to violence.
Three similarities between fireworks and security officers
All this talk of bonfire night got us thinking, and you’ll be surprised at the number of similarities there are between fireworks and security officers!
Dance the night away, knowing trained security officers are in place
Whilst the ‘Ask for Angela’ scheme is a brilliant initiative, it relies on security officers or members of your team being made aware that there is an issue. What security officers can do is one step further due to their specialist training and ability to manage situations.
Supporting Construction Site Security
With a cost of over £800 million per year from theft from construction sites (excluding vandalism costs), it’s clear that supporting construction sites with their security efforts is not only helpful but a necessity to all construction contractors.